# -*- coding: euc-jp -*-
# template
# {
# type: カテゴリを表す(カテゴリ指定のやり方に関してはindex.cgiの TYPE2NAME を参照),
# author: ,
# title: ,
# publishedin: ,
# short: ,
# pubtype: ,
# city: ,
# country: ,
# pages: ,
# date: ,
# rate: ,
# award: ,
# award_link: ,
# }
# ==========conf==============
### Example ###
#{ ogino/ncsp
# type:conf,
# plain:
Natsuki Ogino, Kazumasa Horie, and Hiroyuki Kitagawa,
"Semantic Image Synthesis of Complicated Objects using Line-drawing",
Proc. 2020 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP'20), No. 1PM1-1-3, pp. 373 - 376, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 28 - March 2, 2020.
{ savong/dexa
type: conf,
plain: Savong Bou, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Hiroyuki Kitagawa,
"InTrans: Fast Incremental Transformer for Time Series Data Prediction",
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2022), Page. - , Vienna, Austria, August 22nd - 24th 2022. (Full paper) (accepted)
{ vijdan/dexa
type: conf,
plain: Vijdan Khalique and Hiroyuki Kitagawa,
"BPF: An Effective Cluster Boundary Points Detection Technique",
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2022), Page. - , Vienna, Austria, August 22nd - 24th 2022. (Full paper) (accepted)
{ bosco/sac
type: conf,
plain: John Bosco Mugeni, Toshiyuki Amagasa,
"A graph-based blocking approach for entity matching using pre-trained contextual embedding models",
The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingApril 2022 (SAC 2022), pp. 357-364, Virtual Conference, April 25-29, 2022.
{ mehari/sac
type: conf,
plain: Hailemariam Mehari Yohannes, Toshiyuki Amagasa,
"Named-entity recognition for a low-resource language using pre-trained language model",
The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingApril 2022 (SAC 2022), pp. 837-844, Virtual Conference, April 25-29, 2022.