The 4th Korea-Japan Database Workshop (KJDB 2008) will be held at the Hotel Juraku , Iizaka, Fukushima, Japan. This workshop is an annual joint workshop with honorable scholars in Korea and Japan for sharing the scope and the latest activities in new areas of database technologies.
Advanced Database Engines and Applications Lab (KOSEF NRL), Korea | |
Advanced Information Technology Research Center (AITrc), KAIST, Korea | |
KEIO University, SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus), MDBL (Multimedia Database Laboratory), Japan | |
Kyoto University, the Global COE Program "Informatics Education and Research Center for Knowledge-Circulating Society" of MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Japan | |
"New IT Infrastructure for the Information-explosion Era", MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Japan | |
National Institute for Mateirals Science (NIMS), Japan | |
The Database Society of Japan (DBSJ) | |
The Special Interest Group on Database (SIGDB) of Korea | |
The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Center for Information Fusion | |
Tokyo Institute of Technology, GSIC (Global Scientific Information and Computing Center), Data Engineering Laboratory, Japan | |
University of Tsukuba, Research Center for Knowledge Communities, Japan | |
University of Tsukuba, Department of Computer Science, KDE Laboratory, Japan |