SkyBlueCanvas v1.0.3.2 Change Log -------------- April 4, 2008 -------------- Changed the constructors in all classes to support PHPv5.x. This changed included code to maintain PHPv4.x comptiblity. -------------- April 7, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the RSS feed involving an unitialized variable. The bug caused the feed to only display the site description. -------------- April 7, 2008 -------------- Made a change to the RSS class to make the descriptions longer (500 characters). Previously the feed was only reading to the first '.' which meant some feed items were very short. -------------- April 7, 2008 -------------- Updated mod.portfolio.php to support ThickBox & LightBox jQuery extensions. -------------- April 8, 2008 -------------- Changed mod.portfolio.php to support the ThickBox & LightBox jQuery extensions. -------------- April 8, 2008 -------------- Changed mod.portfolio.php to support the Dropify jQuery extension. -------------- April 17, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the Forms Manager that replaced the old AddButton function with the newer version so the Save buttons appear as they should in the Field and Forms Editors. -------------- April 17, 2008 -------------- Added 'image/pjpeg' to the AlloweTypes array for image upload. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Changed LoadPlugin function in /skyblue/includes/core.php to return the Plugin object when it is created. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Changed /managers/configuration/ to allow language selection. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Changed /managers/configuration/ to allow the user to set FULL_URL value (for RSS) through the UI rather than needing to edit the /configs/server.consts.php file. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in skin.class.php that prevented the page-specific template from being loaded. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in core.php to close a vulnerability in ValidateRequest. The threat is low and is only vulnerable via another site running under the primary domain. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the Preloader plugin to be compatible with PHPv5.x -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Changed Wymeditor and /managers/page/* to load story content via JS rather than PHP. This fixes a bug that caused the story text to not load in the editor if the page takes a long time to load. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Fixed a couple of bugs in /managers/cases/ and mod.cases.php that caused the images to save with incorrect paths. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Change the way the stories load in Wymeditor in /managers/cases/ -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Change the way the stories load in Wymeditor in /managers/portfolio/ -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Change the way the stories load in Wymeditor in /managers/news/ -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Added Articles manager and module to the base distribution -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Change the way the stories load in Wymeditor in /managers/articles/ -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in /managers/articles/ that caused a non-existent category id to be specified in the article link on the first page load. -------------- April 20, 2008 -------------- Added GetStoryContent function to /includes/manager.class.php to read the contents of an item story saved to a file in /data/stories/. -------------- April 21, 2008 -------------- Removed call to escapeshellarg() in GetFileType function in /skyblue/managers/media/media.class.php because on some shared hosting the the function has been disabled. -------------- April 21, 2008 -------------- Added a function to /skyblue/managers/activeskin/activeskin.class.php to check for the default template (skin.default.html) before showing the skin in the list of options. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Added a Setup Wizard to allow the SBC site owner to create their admin account the first time the system is run. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Changed the Redirect in $Core->CheckInstall() - /skyblue/includes/core.php - to redirect to the Setup Wizard instead of an error page if the password.xml file is not found. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the Media Manager that caused images uploaded to the skin to go in the skin root directory rather than the skin image directory. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the SiteMapper Class - /skyblue/plugins/sitemapper/ - that caused only the relative URL to be saved in the sitemap. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Updated the SiteMapper Class - /skyblue/plugins/sitemapper/ - to use SEF URLs if set to do so for the site. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Update $Core->GetLink() - /skyblue/includes/core.php - to optionally include FULL_URL value. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Added SB_SAFE_URL_CHARS to /skyblue/configs/strings.consts.php to allow routines to convert non-URL safe strings to URL safe. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Added SafeURLFormat() to /skyblue/includes/core.php to convert non-URL safe strings to URL safe. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Updated htaccess.txt (mod_rewrite) to recognize .htm and .html file names. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Fixed a redirect bug in htaccess.txt to correctly redirect to the ErrorDocument. -------------- April 24, 2008 -------------- Updated the INSTRUCTIONS.txt document to include FTP and command-line instructions. -------------- April 25, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in /plugins/rss/rss.class.php that allowed non-published items to appear in the RSS feed. -------------- April 28, 2008 -------------- Fixed a bug in the DeleteItem function in /skyblue/includes/manager.class.php to delete the story associated with a data item if it exists. -------------- June 21, 2008 -------------- Incremented the version number to to correct a confusing issue with the version still show v1.0.3.2 -------------- June 22, 2008 -------------- Incremented the version number to to correct a confusing issue with the version /still/ show v1.0.3.2